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Vitamin B12

A water-soluble B vitamin with a key role in metabolism, as well as in the formation of blood.

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is naturally present only in animal products, where it’s bound to the protein in those foods.

People who eat a more plant-based diet and don’t consume the suggested amount of vitamin B12 from fortified foods and dietary supplements are prone to vitamin B12 deficiency. As you age, the risk of inadequate vitamin B12 absorption rises.

Food & Nutrition

Why is Vitamin B12 Important?

During digestion, the hydrochloric acid in your stomach releases B12 from food, allowing the body to absorb it. In some people, a condition called pernicious anemia can hinder the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12 from the intestinal tract, resulting in a vitamin B12 shortfall.*

2.4 mcg

Recommended Dietary Allowance

Sources of Vitamin B12



Beef Liver